Infant Nutrition at your Best

I'm Pat, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, wife of an amazing artist, and mother of two amazing teenagers. I have worked in maternal child heath promoting and supporting breastfeeding/chestfeeding for 14 years, in hospital settings. I have worked closely with families, providing professional lactation support in the labor & delivery unit, postpartum unit, NICU, outpatient clinic, and any other hospital unit that was a lactating parent, or a baby who needed help with feeding. My relationship with the lactation world started in 2004, with providing prenatal breastfeeding classes to pregnant teenagers, as part of a program that promoted a healthy pregnancy for a healthy infant of a teenage mother. When I gave birth to my first child, in 2007, I thought that breastfeeding would be a breeze, since I had been teaching breastfeeding for 3 years, right? Well, as much as I had learned, I quickly realized that putting all into practice wasn’t that easy, as my daughter and I were learning together to breastfeed. With patience, and help of a lactation consultant, we were able to overcome the bumps on the road of the first few weeks, and breastfed for 16 months. In 2008 I became a Certified Lactation Counselor and in 2009, I gave birth to my son. Breastfeeding was easier this time, however , it was also my last year of Grad school. I had to start pumping, and introducing bottle feeding, when he was only seven days old. Daddy and grandma learned to pace feed, to protect breastfeeding. It was challenging, and yet, we breastfed for almost 12 months. In 2012 I became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and in 2019 I started my private practice offering home visits and tele health services. I provide prenatal education and postpartum consultations, with evidence based information. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and a Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy. I also provide consultation in Portuguese and Spanish, as I am fluent in both languages.
In Home and Virtual Consults
Having a baby can be exhausting and overwhelming, specially if feeding your baby is not going as well as you expected.
I believe that every mother and baby deserve the opportunity to have a successful lactation experience. It is my pleasure to assist you reaching your feeding goal, defining your own success, taking one day at a time. I will provide you evidence based guidance, to help you make informed decisions with infant feeding best practices.
Prenatal Lactation Education
I offer private prenatal lactation education in the comfortable setting of your home, or via Telehealth. The consult is about 1.5 hours and you will learn:
How to prepare to start your lactation journey, must haves and what you don’t need to buy.
Antenatal expression of colostrum,
What to expect on the first days, first weeks and beyond, once baby is here
Lactation Consultation
This is a lactation consultation, in your home, or via Tele health. I will review your full history - health, pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding - I will exam your breast, and assess your baby's mouth. Positioning and latch will be evaluated. At a home visit, pre and post feeding weights will be taken, if needed, to measure intake of breast milk. A customized care plan will be given, to help you and your baby work together towards you feeding goal.
All visits include 1 week of follow up support by secure phone call, email or text.
Common issues I can help you with:​
-Painful latch - Difficulty latching
-Baby with slow weight gain/weight loss
-Low milk supply
-Oversupply/Overactive let-down
-Inverted or flat nipples
-Oral restrictions (tongue tie, lip tie, buccal ties)
-Breast refusal
-Care for clogged ducts, mastitis, nipple blebs, thrush
-Exclusive pumping
-Pumping issues and flange fitting
-Returning to work with a customized pumping plan
-Bottle feeding including bottle refusal
-Introducing solids
Insurance Coverage
I am in network with many insurance carriers!
To verify coverage with any of the insurances listed here, send me a message using the form
"Contact me" on the bottom of this page.
I am also credentialed with a third party lactation practice group, that can cover lactation visits through some commercial insurances like,
Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, Anthem PPO and Multiplan.

No insurance coverage?
Self pay clients: Payment is taken at the time of visit. I accept Venmo, Zelle, Check, or Cash. I will give you a super-bill at the end of our visit that you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement.
Before baby arrives:
Prenatal Lactation Education: $125 In your home
$100 Tele health
After baby arrives:
Initial Lactation Consultation: $225 In your home
$150 Tele health
Follow up Lactation Consultation: $175 In your home
$100 Tele health
Contact me
Send me a message using the form below and I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Famílias brasileiras, que preferem consulta em Português entre em contato via email.
Familias que necesitan ayuda en Español, contácteme por correo electrónico.
Call: 347 731-0130
Serving Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Fallbrook, Wildomar, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, and surrounding areas.